Wednesday, March 30, 2011

"Getting Plugged In: An Overview of Internet Addiction"

Flisher, C. (2010). Getting plugged in: An overview of Internet addiction C Flisher Getting plugged in. Journal of Paediatrics & Child Health, 46(10), 557-559. doi:10.1111/j.1440-1754.2010.01879.x

Internet addiction can cause interference with daily life and work. Dr. Kimberly Young conducted 500 heavy users of the Internet in 1995 and of the 500 most of them reported significant impacts on academic acheivement, social life, relationships, occupation, and finances. There has been many debate on wether Internet addiction is a clinical disorder or not. This article state some consequences to teenagers who spend a lot of time on the Internet such as self-neglect and poor diet. Dr. Young also concludes that people should practice shortening their time on the Internet by setting a timer to remind them when to get off, get some hobbies, and get out and meet people.

Is Technology Shaping Who We Are?

Many people don't think about how much techology they use in one day, but is it making us who we are today? A lot of people feel that they can't go on without having a cell phone or internet to keep in touch with everyone and everything that is going on. We use these sources to stay up to date with information around the world. Media, like the television, is another way people like to keep themselves entertained, watching tv shows, movies, or the news. Not very many people like to go out and enjoy the outdoors on a nice day but they chose to sit inside and surf the internet or see what's happening on the television. Media and networking are evolving fast and when something like a disaster happens it's either on the internet or news within the half hour that it happend. I'm not saying technology is a bad thing, it is very beneficial in our every days lives and I know that it is evolving very fast, so everyone wants to keep up with it and they are always looking for the next big thing.

"Small Change: Why the revolution will not be tweeted"

In Malcolm Gladwells essay "Small Change: Why the revolution will not be tweeted" he is talking about how the growth of social networking didn't really change how people used to spread the word around without tools like facebook and twitter. Gladwell is comparing social activism today to social activism in the 1600's. In this essay he refers to a guy named Rovert Darton who says, "The marvels of communication technology in the present have produced a false consciousness about the past-even  a sense that communication has no history, or had nothing of importance to cosider before the days of tv and Internet." Gladwell does not think that social media creates activism but makes it easier to let everyone be aware as to what's going on around them.

Monday, March 28, 2011

Social Networking and Privacy

Many people may already know that when you post something about yourself online or on the internet it is there for everyone to see and yet they still chose to do it anyway. Internet is everywhere and main reasons people use it is to stay in touch with others, and its a go to place for information. Facebook and Myspace are social networks that people put information on such as home addresses and mobile phone numbers. Sometimes do you ask yourself if social networking brings end to privacy?

"Communication Styles: What Is Your Impact on Other?"

Hanke, S. (2009). Communication Styles: What Is Your Impact on Others?. Professional Safety. 54(5), 22-25. Retrieved from EBSCOhost. 


We live in a world where people are inclined to communicate electronically and more and more people are communicating through Emails and text messages, so many people aren't so good when it comes to face to face communication. When people are in lectures they get bored easily and start wanting to check their phones to see if they got any sort of message or they just want to get online, but it is also the lecturers responsibility to know its audience and keep them focused and interested. Although technology is taking over the way we communicate there are ways you could be a better in person communicator according to Carl Jung's four communication styles. The styles are: control, collaborate, analyze, and socialize. I think technology is a good way to keep in touch with you friends and family who live far away and it is also a good way to search schools and jobs. On the internet you could find just about anything.


In “Games” Steven Johnson highlights the importance of reading books but also the underappreciated benefits of video games.  His purpose is comparing reading and video games as entertainment and educational tools.  Video games improve not only hand-eye coordination and visual intelligence, they also encourage drive and the speed of information exercises the mind in new and powerful ways. Johnson argues that games improve one’s imagination and problem solving abilities. He imagines arguments that could be made against books (such as their linearity and isolating qualities) if video games had been invented first.  Johnson’s essay might help us better appreciate the creativity and intellectual benefits behind both traditional reading and modern video games. 

Thursday, March 24, 2011

"Television: The Plug-in Drug"

In an essay written by Marie Winn she is talking about how the television can be addictive and how its pulling family time apart in a household. Before televisions families used to spend time together around the dinner table or make jokes and talk amongst each other, they would take the time to go see other family members and have things like game night. Winn says that when televisions came out more and more people were spending lots of time around the TV and not just around one TV, sometimes each member in the family has a TV in each room of the house where the children could be watching cartoons, the mom could be watching a cooking show, and the dad could be watching a football game. Some families are asked how much time they let their kids spend watching TV and how a typically day is for their famiy. Many families, if they have young children, will turn on the TV to keep them entertained and out of trouble but that probably is not the best solution because the kids will start to think that its the only solution. There is also a really good point made that when people spend a lot of time watching TV is gets harder for them to deal with reality because when your watching the television your not interacting at all and it takes effort to do something when you are around people.