Wednesday, April 6, 2011

"Relationships, Community, and Identity in the New Virtual Society." By Arnold Brown

Brown, A. (2011). Relationships, Community, and Identity in the New Virtual Society. Futurist, 45(2), 29-34. Retrieved from EBSCOhost.

The main topic of this article is social media on relationships, community, and identity in the future. It talks about how people spend more of their social lives online and it is reshaping them. People who create virtual worlds start to treat it like it’s actually them that’s in the world meeting people when its not reality. Brown says, “As we spend more of our social live inline, the definitions of relationships and families are shifting.” The purpose of this essay is to let people know how socializing changes when you are online, because you could be anyone you want and not really who you are. He calls the new younger generation cyberculture because they find ways to adapt the technology to their needs and desires.  He references the Social Industries who say that, “Now, and increasing in the future, technology will let you make and remake you identity at will—virtually.” This defiantly has a lot to do with how technology is becoming more and more apart of our lives and has its advantages and disadvantages.

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